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P3D and FSX remote SimConnect access


Remote SimConnect allows you to run a "standalone" GUI connecting to a remote FSX/P3D via a "remote SimConnect" configuration. This is something different as a distributed swift GUI connected with a core.

If you want to read about remote swift UI see this article.

Enable the server side (where FSX or P3D runs)

  • From the official P3D documentation
  • Another remote SimConnect config tutorial is here.
  • In %APPDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 (or Microsoft/FSX) create a SimConnect.xml file
  • Example: My path looks like this for FSX: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX
  • This file is only needed when remote access is required
  • For me the file is identical for P3Dv4 and FSX
  • In case one needs to create SimConnect log files, the .ini file is here: C:Users\[username\]DocumentsFlight Simulator X FilesSimConnect.ini

Example file: TODO ADD

Enable the client side (where swift runs)

  • On the client machine, go to the Documents folder, something like this: C:\Users\[username]\Documents
  • In the documents folder place a SimConnect.cfg file corresponding with the above server

Example file: TODO ADD

You can alternatively use the config option from the swift settings

Logging SimConnect